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Inflatable/Pneumatic Rubber Fender
  • Inflatable/Pneumatic Rubber Fender
  • Inflatable/Pneumatic Rubber Fender
  • Inflatable/Pneumatic Rubber Fender
  • Inflatable/Pneumatic Rubber Fender

Inflatable/Pneumatic Rubber Fender

Get a factory quote now, we can supply according to your requirement.

China Inflatable/Pneumatic Rubber Fender Introduction:


    Brand Name
  • Shanqing
    HS Code
  • 4016940000
    Customed Made
  • Yes
  • 1
    Delivery Period
  • 30 days


Inflatable Fender uses compressed air as a buffering medium to provide a softer collision avoidance effect when ships approach. The product is a rubber sealed container made of hanging rubber curtain fabric as the skeleton material. The fender is filled with compressed air and can float on the water surface, serving as an important buffer medium for ST (ship and ship berthing) and STD (ship and dock berthing). At the same time, inflatable rubber fenders can absorb the impact energy of ship movement, reduce the ship's recoil force, and greatly improve the safety of ship berthing.

Flangeless Disk D (mm) Tyre Diameter D (mm) Sleeve Shackle D (mm) Sleeve Chain (mm) Unit Weight (KG) Flange Shackle D (mm)
500x1000 120 350 8 8 60 12
600x1000 120 350 8 8 60 12
700x1500 160 300 8 10 120 14
1000x1500 160 450 8 10 180 16
1000x2000 200 500 8 10 200 16
1200x2000 200 600 8 10 230 16
1350x2500 260 600 10 12 480 16
1500x2500 260 600 10 12 500 16
1500x3000 260 600 10 12 560 16
1700x3000 260 600 10 12 600 16
2000x3000 300 650 12 13 900 16
2000x3500 300 750 12 13 1500 16
2500x4000 300 700 12 14 1600 18
2500x5500 300 700 12 14 2000 18
3300x4500 400 700 12 14 3000 18
3300x6500 400 700 12 14 3500 18
3300x10600 400 720 12 14 4500 18
4500x9000 600 750 14 16 5200 18
4500x12000 600 760 14 16 7300 18
Nominal size(DxL) Initial internal pressure (Kpa) Guarantrrd energyabsorption(GEA) Reaction force atGEA deflection(R) Hull presure(internalpressure)at GEAdeflection(p)
60±5%KJ Tolerancet10%(KN) Referencevalue(Kpa)
500x1000 50Kpa 6 64 132
600x1000 50Kpa 8 74 126
700x1500 50Kpa 17 137 135
1000x1500 50Kpa 32 182 122
1000x2000 50Kpa 45 257 132
1200x2000 50Kpa 63 297 126
1350x2500 50Kpa 102 427 130
1500x2500 50Kpa 134 499 131
1500x3000 50Kpa 153 597 132
1700x3000 50Kpa 191 639 128
2000x3000 50Kpa 265 750 122
2000x3500 50Kpa 308 875 128
2500x4000 50Kpa 663 1381 137
2500x5500 50Kpa 943 2019 148
3300x4500 50Kpa 1175 1884 130
3300x6500 50Kpa 1814 3015 146
3300x10600 50Kpa 3067 5257 158
4500x9000 50Kpa 4752 5747 146
4500x12000 50Kpa 6473 7984 154
Nominal size(DxL) Initial internal pressure (Kpa) Guarantrrd energyabsorption(GEA) Reaction force atGEA deflection(R) Hull presure(internalpressure)at GEAdeflection(p)
60±5%KJ Tolerancet10%(KN) Referencevalue(Kpa)
500x1000 80Kpa 8 85 174
600x1000 80Kpa 11 98 166
700x1500 80Kpa 24 180 177
1000x1500 80Kpa 45 239 160
1000x2000 80Kpa 63 338 174
1200x2000 80Kpa 88 390 166
1350x2500 80Kpa 142 561 170
1500x2500 80Kpa 179 630 172
1500x3000 80Kpa 214 761 174
1700x3000 80Kpa 267 840 168
2000x3000 80Kpa 356 955 160
2000x3500 80Kpa 430 1150 168
2500x4000 80Kpa 925 1815 180
2500x5500 80Kpa 1317 2653 195
3300x4500 80Kpa 1640 2746 171
3300x6500 80Kpa 2532 3961 191
3300x10600 80Kpa 4281 6907 208
4500x9000 80Kpa 6633 7551 192
4500x12000 80Kpa 9037 10490 202


Welcome to consult China Inflatable/Pneumatic Rubber Fender suppliers. We have more than 10 years of foreign trade supply experience and have provided high-quality shipping equipment to dozens of countries around the world. We provide you with high-quality services and preferential prices customized by manufacturers. You can get a free quote online or leave a message below and we will reply to you within 24 hours.

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