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Marine Ship Boat Profile System 90°Internal Corner
  • Marine Ship Boat Profile System 90°Internal Corner

Marine Ship Boat Profile System 90°Internal Corner

  • Category:Marine Equipment
  • FOB Price:Get Latest Price Now
  • Quality Guarantee:12 Months unless specified otherwise
  • Place of Origin:China
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China Marine Ship Boat Profile System 90°Internal Corner Introduction:


    Brand Name
  • OEM
    HS Code
  • MTK(Square Meters)
    Customed Made
  • Yes
  • 1
    Delivery Period
  • 30 days



Doors and windows are divided into enclosure components or partition components according to their different positions. Different design requirements require that they have the functions of heat preservation, heat insulation, sound insulation, waterproof, fire prevention, etc. the new requirements are energy saving. In cold areas, the heat loss caused by the gap between doors and windows accounts for about 25% of the total heating heat consumption. The requirement of airtightness of doors and windows is an important part of energy-saving design.

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