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Oil Spill Dispersant Spraying Device
  • Oil Spill Dispersant Spraying Device

Oil Spill Dispersant Spraying Device

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China Oil Spill Dispersant Spraying Device Introduction:


    Brand Name
  • SQ
    HS Code
  • PS
    Customed Made
  • Yes
  • 0
    Delivery Period
  • --


General description:

Oil spill dispersant spraying device is mainly used to spray oil spill dispersants, clean up oil spill pollution on waters, shoal, rock, building and other site. It can also be sued to cleanse containment booms, skimmers and other devices.


There are mainly two types of spraying device: PS40 is a portable spraying device, mounted on a trolley. It can move freely and is easy to operate. It is suitable for cleaning up oil spills on waters, wharfs, shoals, reefs, indoor and other site in a small area. PS80 and PS160 are large spraying devices mounted on the side of the hull, composed of the hydraulic pump unit, spraying arm, hand spraying gun and tore parts. It can advance with the boat to clean up a large area of oil spills on waters.


Welcome to consult China Oil Spill Dispersant Spraying Device suppliers. We have more than 10 years of foreign trade supply experience and have provided high-quality shipping equipment to dozens of countries around the world. We provide you with high-quality services and preferential prices customized by manufacturers. You can get a free quote online or leave a message below and we will reply to you within 24 hours.

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